Baby Blanket


One of the caregivers at my mom's memory center is pregnant, and they had a shower for her yesterday.  I am out of town on a scrapbook trip, but I made her a baby blanket and dropped it off, along with a gift card, before I left. 

It's made from patterned and solid cozy flannel with a satin binding. 

It is not perfect, as you can see in the photo.  This is only the second time I've used a satin binding, and it was harder than I remember from the first time.  I recommend this Youtube video for instruction on mitering corners.

 What's a crooked seam in a handmade gift?  Not a huge deal, right?  My purpose today is not to show you how to make a blanket, but to encourage you to try something new even if it's difficult and even if you're worried it won't be perfect.  Finished is better than unfinished, even if it has flaws and regardless of what type of craft it is.  It's how we learn.  Be proud of what you make!

Visit Craft Schooling Sunday and Sew Can Do for more crafts and creativity!