Quick Tip Tuesday


I've been using faux leather to make some paper clip planner decor for my daughter and some cute hairclips for my granddaughters.  I've used a variety of leathers, and my conclusion is... don't skimp on faux leather. 

You can get some adorable prints and solids on Amazon for a bargain!  But don't!  It does not cut as flawlessly as faux leather from a company that specializes in faux leather such as The Polka Dotted Peach (NOT an affiliate link, just a regular link to a business I like).

Compare the crisp cut of the  better "leather" to the one on the right.

The Polka Dotted Peach and other similar companies are not expensive, they just aren't dirt cheap. A 9x12 sheet of leather runs $3 to $5 typically.  On Amazon, you can get 6-9 sheets (smaller or about the same size and thinner) for about $9.00.  But in the long run... if you want crisp cuts, don't fall for the cheap price.

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