Quick Tip Tuesday - Making Multiples of the Same Project?


This tip came about when I recently made four of the same project.  My tip in this circumstance is to batch.  It's a very simple concept.  Do all of the first step before going to the second.  That means all of your step ones, so for me, it was cutting all 16 pieces for my 4 butterfly clips.

Then I attached the glitter detail for all four butterflies.

Then I attached the vellum for all four butterflies.  And so on.  You get it!

The process is so much easier than doing each project separately.  You save a great deal of time and frustration when you batch produce multiples of the same project.  An added benefit is it also allows time for the adhesive to dry on your first one before you circle back to it to do the next step.
Two of my 4 finished products.
Happy Crafting!

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